Part 35: The Fourth Birthday

New Music: The End Back to the Beginning
The 3rd Birthday has ended and by now any sane person would have taken this game and chucked the UMD it into a bin, uninstalled it from their absurdly overpriced proprietary memory card, or lets be honest, it was a PSP game. More likely than not most just deleted the ISO. Regardless, most peoples time with this tire fire of a cap to the Parasite Eve series would be done. But here I am going the extra mile to give you the last bit of content to squeeze out of this rotten lemon. I like to think of it as taking everything there is to The 3rd Birthday, recording the dire content within, and letting it be studied from afar as its radioactive content remains buried in the layers of inaccessible cement that is actually owning a Sony portable console.
For the record, I only played this game the one time in earnest on the PSP when it came out, did a quick 4 hour speed run through on Easy (skipping cutscenes and every enemy possible) with the emulator to make sure I could capture footage without issue, and the actual run for the LP. Ive unlocked absofuckinglutely none of the stuff Im talking about in this update nor touched New Game Plus a single time nor do I ever plan to. And just as an aside: The save file with everything unlocked I downloaded seems to be legitimately done, as the file stats say the player has put 145 hours 35 minutes and 50 playthroughs of The 3rd Birthday. Good grief
Im going to go over the gameplay bits first for completion sake cuz I like to be thorough, even in games that dont deserve it.

The 3rd Birthday was envisioned as a game youd play through several times to unlock everything. The chief unlockable being all the bonus costumes I mentioned early in the LP. A reminder that the entirety of those are New Game Plus unlocks. So you know after the revelation that were playing as a twelve year old child in the body of a sexy adult woman. You have to actively commit to yep, thats fine by me as you dress her up in a Playboy Bunny, Sexy Santa, or
So theres that.

In addition to the variety of colorful cosplay fetish outfits for Aya Brea, there are also a variety of cheat codes to unlock in order to spice up your replays. Though, the thing about the unlockable Cheat Codes, which is the games term despite just being actually menu toggles, is they come with some caveats. To begin with, theyre mostly unlocked by completing Feats in missions. The problem is actually using any of the codes disables the ability to obtain Feats. So uhh dont have too much fun!

Not that you would, anyway. Of the Cheat Codes, there are only three that are actually cheats that actively make the game easier. The game calls these Assist Codes. They are as follows:
High Regen Ayas health rapidly regenerates when shes idle. Theres no God Mode or anything. Aya just now regenerates health like shes a Call of Duty protagonist. Hey, she even gets shot in the face at the end of a mission.

Health Regen is unlocked after completing the game and burning 10,000 BP to actually make the cheat available.
Free Crossfire All NPCs can participate in a Crossfire. Normally, they must be in cover to be able to join in mostly because their AI is already braindead enough, it doesnt need to drop everything and eat bullets like that. So yeah Thats 33% of the helpful cheats in the game. Breaking the AI further in situations where it might mean as many as 1-2 extra guys firing.
This has the same requirements of High Regen. Beat the game once and unlock for another 10,000 BP.
Infinite Ammo The only actual thing Id call a cheat. Aya has infinite ammo (and grenades) with no reloads. So she can fire grenade launcher shots for days. All the mounted weapons and vehicles (turrets/tanks/helicopters) also have their absurdly low overheat gauge disabled.
That sounds pretty fun. Maybe another quick playthrough just ruining everything would be cathartic? Well, guess what? Fuck you, pal! You need to complete the game TEN TIMES to unlock this cheat. For reference: The fastest speedrun time for the game I could find is 3:03:08 on the Easy difficulty. The total time for my playthrough for this LP was 9:52:13 (add another hour and change for untallied cutscenes.)
So you know 30-35 hours worth of replaying the game for the honor of unlocking infinite ammo. Or you could go play and complete several good games. Just a thought.

On the other end of the unlockable Cheat Code spectrum, we have the bulk of the unlocks: Challenge Codes. These are all toggles that make the game actively harder (while still disabling Feats and mission rankings while giving no bonuses to BP or anything special at all) for anyone that has beaten the game dozens of times and is slowly descending into pure madness and ought to be institutionalized. Heres what we get for a much more refreshingly vulnerable very likely to die in screaming agony, along with everyone around her, Aya Brea.
No Armor Ayas outfit is always at the maximum damage and cannot be repaired. Perfect if you want to play as a young woman who looks like shed just been violently beaten and sexually assaulted in an alley as you fight inhuman mutants from the future.
Unlocked by completing four Feats in Episode 1 on Hard Mode.
Static Life Ayas HP is determined by the soldier she Overdives intos maximum HP, not her own. Normally, Overdived soldiers HP is augmented by Ayas current level. Now she has just as much health as the tissue paper constructed soldiers.
Unlocked by completing four Feats in Episode 1 on Deadly difficulty.
No Evasion Assist Aya loses her i-frames when rolling. Should have pumped the Adaptability stat and gotten that Agility up. Rookie mistake.
Unlocked by completing four Feats in Episode 2 on Hard.
Limited Weapons Aya can only use her default infinite ammo 76SA handgun all the way up until she uses it to murder the real Aya Brea.
Unlocked by completing four Feats in Episode 2 on Deadly difficulty.
No Regen Like it says, Aya is no longer a modern first person shooter protagonist.
Unlocked via completing four Feats in Episode 3 on Hard.
Level Hold Aya Brea is reset back to Level 1 and will not gain any experience points or level up her weapons skills. Great if you want those walls of HP to take several times longer.
Unlocked by completing four Feats in Episode 3 on Deadly.
No Info The HUD only displays Ayas health and Liberation gauge. The radar and any combat information on people in the area is all disabled. I hope youre good with wielding the PSPs finicky control stick for the camera.
Unlocked by completing four Feats in Episode 4 on Hard.
Critical Illness Ayas HP is constantly draining away as she is afflicted with a debilitating ailment. That sounds really fun on the extended segments when Aya is only controlling a single soldier for a time.
Unlocked by completing four Feats in Episode 4s Deadly Difficulty.
Critical Disease Ayas genes splicing has left her lousy with cancer. As such, her Liberation gauge only fills at 50% speed. Personally, Id take that over my life slowly ebbing away at all times like the Critical Illness.
Episode 5. Hard Mode. FIVE Feats.
Half Ammo All weapons magazine capacity and spare stock is halved. Other than the infinite ammo pistol
Episode 5. Deadly Difficulty. Five Feats.
No Over Energy You know all those special abilities Aya gets from that terrible RNG dictated Over Energy grid with effects that are in turn mostly random chance? Those are disabled. Wouldnt want the occasional lucky variety in your battles.
This is unlocked by completing 75% of Feats on Hard mode.
No Cover All those convenient waste high barriers? Gone. Even the ones made out of meat. No cover shooting for Aya. I highly doubt this is even possible on the higher difficulties.
Unlocked the same as the last one. 75% of Feats on Hard difficulty.
NPC One-hit Death All ally NPCs will immediately burst into a fountain of screaming blood if so much as a nippy breeze brushes over them. In case Aya Breas ally body count wasnt quite astonishingly high enough.
Unlocked by completing 75% of Feats on Deadly difficulty.
Friendly Fire Ayas wanton disregard for life extends to being able to actively shoot and murder her allies. They too can fire on Aya and damage her if she gets in the way for the smallest of revenge.
Unlocked by completing the game on Insane difficulty.
One-Hit Death Aya Brea is a fragile little butterfly and will swoon like a frail maiden at the slightest touch damaging her delicate skin. RIP Aya Brea.
Unlocked after unlocking all other previous cheats. Terrific. Ill get right on that.
Apart from the Cheat Codes and Protective Gear, there are also a trio of special unlockable weapons (the three listed at the top are just upgraded versions of the same gun.) There are also top tier unlockable weapons for the normal categories of weapons. But meh. Probably the best of the lot is the first one:
The gibberish assortment of letters and numbers that compose The 3rd Birthdays faux-SAW. Its not particularly flashy. Its just a big ol heavy machinegun. It does cost a solid 100,000 BP. For each tier of the weapon. For reference, I pretty much stopped spending BP for the last two episodes of the game and only ended up with 66,660
The T480C has zero stun capabilities, but that doesnt matter when it absolutely destroy enemies through sheer power scale and bullet storm it spits out. I managed to take out the Helix boss from the beginning of Chapter 1 in about 30 seconds flat. Not bad.
Secondly we have the Pile Bunker. This is a massive bolt driver converted into a man-portable weapon. I do believe this has the highest damage output in the game. It can kill absolutely anything in 2-3 hits, even on the highest difficulty.
The problem is that since it is basically a melee weapon, in a game that does not otherwise have melee attacks, it has fuck all range and can only be used once before cycling a 3 second reload animation. I tried to hit a Wad for about a minute straight to no avail. Its use looks like its rather limited, to say the least
Last, unlocking Toriyamas one true love Lightnings costume will also unlock uhh I guess her signature weapon? Hell, I dont remember a thing about Final Fantasy XIII. Ill tell you one thing: Its no Gunblade! Which Parasite Eve 2 Aya could unlock and was a sword/shotgun combo.
The Blaze Edge is an underwhelming laser shotgun. They just turned the shotgun shell effects blue. It has very good impact. But so do all shotguns. While stationary. And close range. Sure, whatever. Go away Lightning. Youre tremendously lame.

Anyway, thats it for all the gameplay post game unlocks of note. Lets get to the post game story stuff. Once weve completed the game, all of the Key Person entries in the Datalogs are to reflect their lives in this Real Aya Brea dead/Twisted never existed/High Ones never created final timeline where Eve Brea (and to a much lesser extent Kyle Madigan, who immediately got out of town) is the only one who remembers any of this bollocks transpired. The screenshot above is Eve Breas entire updated entry, if youre curious. Well pop through these quick.
----- Kyle Madigan -----
An operative for an unofficial intelligence organization reporting directly to the Secretary of Defense. His whereabouts are currently unknown.
TDI Note: So Kyle just went and got his old government spy job back. I wonder if they asked him at all about the missing leg. He did a REAL good job of hiding it this entire game.
----- Ginger -----
Born in Munich, Germany. Her real name was Kristina Ruskin, daughter of violinist Erhard Ruskin.
She formed the rock band Time for Truth at the age of 13 to rebel against her strict father, the director of the German Symphony Orchestra. The band caught the attention of a major British record label, leading to her professional debut at fifteen. Her first album Killing Hour sold over two million copies, an unprecedented performance for a debut album. She moved her base of operations to the States, but disbanded Time for Truth at the age of twenty to take a break. Though followed closely by the media and her fans, she and her former bandmates played secret concerts whenever the mood his.
In the summer of 2009, she was fatally stabbed by a crazed fan in central Park.
It was revealed after her death that she had been traveling to disaster-stricken areas and working on behalf of many aid providers and relief efforts, all anonymously. Who would have expect someone with such a flashy punk-rock appearance to be involved in such quiet, diligent work? Once this news was revealed, a group of young people in England commemorated Ginger's inspirational life by establishing the Ginger Skimbleshanks Fund to help children around the world who were suffering from hunger, poverty, disaster, and war. (The fund takes its name from Ginger's favorite character in the musical Cats.)
TDI Note: Why does a character with zero lines that dies off-screen with 30 seconds of her introduction have such an in-depth biography?! And what became of rock-ninjas career? Thats the real question.

----- Emily Jefferson -----
Emily became friends with Eve while studying at the State University of New York. She had a lot going for her: innocence, curiosity, a brilliant and insightful intellect... and a millionaire father. Emily was seen as the odd one out, not readily accepted by others.
Then there was Eve. Her gory past was a heavy burden to bear (even without any memories), and it left a deep scar on her innermost soul. The isolation both girls experienced is what brought them together. Even after she had become a High One and her mind had grown confused, Emily was still concerned about Eve's sudden disappearance and may have come to Sacrifice to look for her friend. Ginger had been Eve's musical idol.
The "Rib" mentioned in Emily's diary was none other than Eve. The Bible contends that God made Eve from Adam's rib. Why did Emily feel she had to hide Eve's identity? Perhaps she'd picked up on Eve's tragic destiny.
Born in London, England, the daughter of British banking tycoon Christopher Jefferson. Attended the State University of New York for two years starting at age 14 as part of an advanced placement college study program.
Currently works as a teaching assistant and research fellow in the university's physics department.
TDI Note: Naming their friends after biblical allusions is sure a thing 14 year old kids do. Also, nice job getting your favorite singer and her band eviscerated by proxy, Eve.

In addition to those logs, there are actual epilogue files for most of the CTI cast which are all written by Eve Brea after the game concludes. These are locked away under completing the game several times on higher difficulties, because theyre technically classified as Emails and are unlocked after Blanks dicking around and Maedas Wizard of Bad Science Corner. And that is incredibly dumb! So Ill just cut out all of that and present everyones epilogue now as we wrap up this twisted knot of a narrative.






Finally, upon completing the game a cutscene viewer unlocks. With it there are four unlockable extra videos. Ayas Time well be skipping. Its just softcore porn shower video. Oh to unlock it in the cutscene viewer? Youve got to complete the game FIFTY TIMES!

Im not including actual video for any of these, because YouTube bots immediately take it down and theyre not worth the effort to circumvent.
The first video is unlocked by default. Its called Chelsea National Guard File 000 (Investigation)
Remember that brief cellphone video of a black guy getting wrecked by a Twisted way at the very, very beginning of the game?
As it turns out, Aya had Overdived there before the tutorial had begun and was standing behind the guy taking that video.

And the video ends there with a Slackers claw arm looming over Aya. Presumably the Overdive ends and the person Aya was possessing gets their shit pushed in because that kind of incompetence and collateral damage was Ayas thing early in the game.
The second extra video, also unlocked with completion of the game is called Time Zero / Hyde. This one feels like they went to the effort of animating this scene, but couldn't think of a good place to stick it in as a flashback. So whatever. It's a post-game extra now!
Its just the start of a new time loop where Aya loses her memory and Hyde finds her then has to waste the next several years going through American bureaucracy to establish a government funded unit and secure resources to construct the Overdive device and all go through hundreds of job interviews. No wonder the guy was desperate to break the cycle. That sounds nightmarish!
The final video is unlocked by completing the game a second time and it is actually a new post-credits sequence. This is the last bit of The 3rd Birthday. Lets take a look

New Music: Come Again to Christmas
We find Aya Brea just walking down the middle of the same street she began the games tutorial. Aya, the city is no longer a monster filled hellscape. Get the fuck out of the road! Im going to be really pissed if you pull a Shadows of Destiny here




And theres nobody there Was it Eve just hallucinating? A ghost? Aya not actually dead and some Time Lord now? Some other half-assed sequel hook option?
I do not know and I do not think the writers did either. But fuck you, anyway!
And on that note The 3rd Birthday The 4th Birthday What did that even MEAN?! What did any of these mean? I dunno. I think this games plot has just made me inch closer to nihilism and a wish for the ultimate entropy of the universe. But until then, I hope you all enjoyed your time with The 3rd Birthday! Personally, I kinda felt good just ripping into that stupid, stupid fucking game I hated. Metroid: Other M and its crummy portrayal of Samus Aran has shit on The Assassination of Aya Brea by the Coward Square-Enix.
But now that Ive gotten it out of my system and shared the depths of rot from the nadir of Square-Enixs half-assed nature from a half decade ago with everyone I think I have a bottle of bourbon and a Steam sale with some good games I ought to capitalize on playing for a change
Rest in Peace, Aya Brea and the Parasite Eve series.